About a week ago, I posted that Peyton was out of surgery and if he behaved, we would be coming home by the end of the week. Well.......... How could I dare say he didn't behave, but...we are still here. My poor baby had quite the week last week, but I should preface that by saying this week looks so much better. We didn't know that Peyton was headed for two more surgeries and a stay in the PICU. The first shunt revision didn't take as well as we were hoping and within 18 hours, he was symptomatic again. I won't go into the details, but it is very scary to see your child affected by too much pressure in the brain. This happened a few times and he finally ended up with a EVD which is an external ventricular drain. The system is quite the contraption, but the neurosurgeons felt it was better to externalize a drain for the CSF until it was clear his shunt was working or not working and we could go to plan Z. (We've had too many plans to count at this point.)
Yesterday morning they clamped off the external shunt and so far, so good. It looks like his internal shunt is doing the job. He now is scheduled for an MRI today to check things out. Please pray we receive good results!
I've included a few pictures that I just love to look at on my cell phone. They are both showing Peyton in a Halloween Onsie. We had an outfit picked out for trick-or-treating this year, but it is basically hanging in his room in the PICU. (We'll have to put him in his Tigger outfit for pictures at a later date.) The funny thing about the onsie is that with soooo many lines hooked up to him right now, it's almost impossible to take it off and this Mommy who is usually quite confident since my "initiation by default" into the medical field, is not willing to fool with these wires....especially when we are talking lines connected to his brain! ah, no thank you!
Enjoy the pictures!