Peyton is doing so amazingly well, but none-the-less, a trip to Children's was part of the plan. Sunday night, while I was giving Peyton his meds and bottle, he became brady. Now, this isn't something new as it happened many times in the NICU and a few times when we first came home, but he decided he was going to become VERY brady and make the recovery slow. I couldn't get him out of it and he became non-responsive. He turned many different colors and became limp. Once I realized I couldn't stimulate him, I started to put him on the floor to perform CPR. But as I did so, he started to come to, but was very pale still and was definitely not getting the oxygen he needed. I raced with him to his room where we had his Oxygen and while I was hooking him up, John called 911 and Andrew grabbed the monitor and helped me hook him up to get some numbers. Right away we got really low O2 and heart rate numbers. Interestingly enough, we brought up the oxygen, but his heart rate refused to come up. He was hanging around the 70's and 80's and anyone with infants knows, that's not good. First the fire department came, then an ambulance. The EMT's were there watching me as we finally got his heart rate a little higher. We decided a trip to Children's to evaluate him was called for. We loaded the ambulance. On the way, Peyton decided he wasn't quit
e through scaring us. His heart rate continued to dip and soon we found ourselves making the trip with sirens and lights. As soon as we got to Children's Peyton's heart rate returned to a normal rhythm and then the tests began..... To make a long story short, Peyton was admitted and doing much better. We think he probably aspirated and started a chain of events...including going back on Oxygen for a day or so. Having been intubated for such a long time in the NICU has given Peyton Chronic Lung Disease which made the situation worse. He is going to have a swallow test tomorrow to see if that can answer any questions. He's taking a nap right now as I'm typing. Part of me thinks he schemed to visit all his friends at Children's!