After a more than three week stay at Childrens, we are going home! Peyton had surgery for a g-tube and fundo 4 days ago and is recovering great. We have been learning all the in and outs of a g-tube and feeding pump. Nothing too hard, but such a lifesaver for our little guy. Eating had really become something we were not looking forward to since Peyton would reflux and choke so often. It got to the point that feeding him was like setting him up to be tortured by his refluxing and aspirating tendencies shortly after every meal. Now, we "fill up his gas tank" as Colby says, as he happily sucks on his binki!
After surgery, Peyton went back on Oxygen for a few days, but has now been off for 24 hours. He has dipped a few times in his saturation, but nothing too bad. He just has to keep us on our toes! ha ha I personally think Peyton decided if Grandma and Papa were going to be out of town for the month, he was going to add his own excitment for July!
Here are a few pictures I took during our stay. My favorite is the one in which he is holding on to John's finger. This was taken when we got to our room after surgery and Peyton was still pretty out of it, but knew that Daddy was standing right beside him.