Wow! I haven't blogged about Peyton in a long time, yet I think about writing all the time. Whenever he does anything, I want to chronicle it and share it with the world! It's getting my fingers to find the time to find a keyboard, though. But, no more excuses....I promise to keep up and make the time.....
Our little guy is going to be turning one soon! It's so hard to believe that he can legally face forward on the car seat within a few weeks. When we've had such a year, we have to indulge in the little things as well as the big.
First of all we are looking forward to trick or treating this year. Peyton is going to be Tigger! He has an adorable outfit that I can't wait to fit him in. And I know we will take plenty of pictures! :) Who wouldn't take pictures when they have such a handsome guy to show off??? (I just can't be humble today.)
Currently, we are at Children's. Peyton was exhibiting signs of something going on last Thursday and Friday during the wee hours of the night. He just seemed abnormally sleepy and his heart rate was very low. Marathon runners would kill for a heart rate like Peyton's, but in a little guy, it wasn't exactly a good, healthy rate. So after a few more uncomfortable signs that something was up, we took a trip to Children's and discovered that Peyton's shunt was malfunctioning. We have spent the last few days trying to keep him stable for surgery for a shunt revision. Of course, Peyton had to add some drama and scare us a few times. The neurosurgery team has kept their eyes on Peyton and even had a few moments of contemplating a stay in the PICU. But....we made it to surgery and discovered that the shunt was partially blocked. Dr. Woodward did her magic and Peyton is now recovering in our cozy room. If he behaves over the next few days, we can go home by the end of the week. Yay!
My dear little one is squirming around, so I better go give him some loving!